Anybody know what the white stuff on the top of everything is? Answers on a postcard marked 'Come back, Summer!'
Well, in the last fortnight, we've had tons of it - and it's freezing also. Makes walking, running, cycling and even just trundling down to the pub difficult. However, pubs have been visited and beer has been enjoyed by your correspondent and our good friend Steffen from Danish Whisky Blog. Here we are below at the Bon Accord in Glasgow, a top notch boozer and purveyor of ales of distinction. I was at the bar with the Lady Arlene, supping away, when this young gentleman in a rather fine tweed bunnet comes over and proclaims to me, 'Inveralmond!' He knows the secret password to a long life and happiness, I think to myself, but it turned out that he recognised me from a visit to our brewery SEVEN years ago. He is the Danish Whisky Blogger and wanted to tell me what a great time he and his friends from Denmark had experienced on our tour. Thank you, Steffen. See you next time in our bigger brewery with bar and tasting lounge.

For all of you out in Blogland who are short of Xmas pressies for your nearest and dearest, we will be opening up our shop on Saturday 18 December (last Saturday before Xmas) from 11 - 4 for the sale of our lovely beers, t-shirts, gift packs, minikegs, glasses etc etc together with Free Tastings. Hope to meet some of you all then.
Slainte, Ken