Went for a wee bevvy last night in Perth and to my delight in the Old Ship in Skinnergate, were these 3 Kings of Beer. Pundie, a warming dark amber wintery ale, Santa's Swallie with its seasonal hints of nutmeg and cinnamon and Lia Fail, the Stone of Destiny in all its dark mystery. The Old Ship, one of my regular haunts, is reputed to be Perth's oldest pub, named for the sailing ships that used to ply up and down the Tay River in days gone by. Perth had a busy trade with Scandinavia and the Hanseatic ports of the Baltic and ships would come right up the river to the bottom of the High Street, off which stands the Old Ship. The bar has a fabulous nautical painting well worth a look - although it's a Turner-style 100-gun Man o' War rather than a trading vessel. The river is still used by trading ships from the Baltic but the harbour is now downstream about a mile.
Happy Christmas to you all and enjoy your Swallie, wherever you may be.
Slainte, Ken
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