Here's an action shot of Duncan, our latest addition to the Downriver Barleymen - an anagram for guess what? Answers on a postcard, please.
But to our blog of today...He's graining out or removing the spent grain or draff from the mash tun and he's holding a shovel, yet he's not digging out the mash tun, as we have commissioned a big auger, or
Archimedes' Screw, for taking the spent grain directly from the mash tun into the hopper and then down to the bottom of the auger and up through the wall and then dropping into the awaiting trailer, as shown below.
We're thrilled with the auger and how it works and it means that the inside of the brewery is much tidier and cleaner without the big boxes that we used to dig the grain out into and furthermore it gives us more floor space to put more fermenters/conditioning tanks/malt pallets...Hooray!
For the beer enthusiasts out there, the spent grain in the pictures is from this year's first brew of Santa's Swallie.
I think this means that the festive season appproaches, so I'd better get on with the Xmas presents...
Slàinte, Ken
ps Anagram unscrambled - Inveralmond Brewery