Came across some old snaps from my brewing past the other day so I thought I'd share them with you.

AD 1995. A young(ish) Ken standing beside his pride and glory - the 100hl wort kettle and lauter tun of the Redback Brewery in Melbourne. The copper brewhouse was a German 1951 Ziemann beauty and I used to brew the award-winning South German-style wheat beer 'Redback', a Munich Dark Lager and a Bohemian pilsner, basking in the copper gleam! The copper had to be polished with huge tubs of Brasso every year - a two-day labour of love...

AD 2000. Cleaning the original Inveralmond mash tun at the old premises. Ah, the power of the green scratchy pad! But as you are probably well aware, cleanliness is next to Godliness. This is the mash tun that won us the 2001 Champion Beer of Scotland.

AD 2011. Beside Big Bertha with her 100 hl of Blackfriar due for Finland. This is the tank that produced the Blackfriar that won Gold at the SIBA 2011 Strong Bitter Competition in Edinburgh last week.
You could perhaps call this piece from the full head of curly brown locks to the glistening pate of receding hairlines!
Ah memories...
Slainte, Ken
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